Administration Rules 


The cost for this is $10/week for 18 weeks for the main pool, $10 for the pick of the week and $20 for the Playoff pool. Total cost for all 3 will be $210.  I would like to collect the money in TOTAL prior to the start of the season. 


The Deadline for the picks will be posted on the Main page of the Web site. NO picks will be allowed after the pool is locked down, you will receive a zero on the main pool and a strike in the pick of the week pool. Your $10 fee is forfeit. Please have picks in on time.   

When games are on other days of the week, I will post the deadline for that week on the main page.  

Note: if you cannot made your picks via this page you can call me and I will enter them for you.


When making picks be certain they are correct. In the main pool players MUST pick 4 teams from 4 different games, if 2 games are picked to guarantee 2 wins to sustain a lead, that person will be disqualified in that week and receive a zero. In the pick of the week pool you can not pick a team that you have already used. If you do, it will count as a strike.

Database Control

Prior to the Deadline you can Submit picks only, this requires a password and allows you to see only your picks. The View portion of the database will be locked down. 

After the Deadline you can no longer Submit picks, this portion of the database is locked down. The View picks portion will be unlocked and  you will be able to see everyone's picks. 

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