Pick of the Week Rules 


Pick 1 team a week to win straight up. That team MUST win, in the event there is a tie both teams will receive a strike. 

You can never  pick the same team more than once. If you do it will be counted as a strike. Past weekly picks will be displayed in the Results area MAKE SURE you check your picks.

Each wrong pick counts as a strike. Two strikes and you are out of the Pool. 

Last person standing is the winner and takes the pot.  

If the remaining people all go out in the same week the pot will be split among them. 

If in the unlikely event that 2 or more people survive all 18 weeks and someone has no strikes and the other has one strike the prize will be awarded to the person with no strikes.

Cost And Prize Money

$10  one time entry fee. Entire pot gets split among winners. Eg 40 players $400 prize 

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